Friday, December 17, 2010

a few pictures

I didn't know quite what to label this post. My parents sent these 3 images and said "please put these on the blog". OK. Done. The top one is easy. It's out cute missionaries at the MTC. The other two? Maybe dinner, before and during preparation? We'll have to wait for them to check in and comment to let us know what's going on.

{Sorry for the small image size. For some reason the pbpb blog wasn't updated when blogger did their upgrades. Sizing images isn't as easy in this old format.}


Cara said...

It's fun trying to make up captions for the mysterious pictures. We need more of the missionaries in action!

KickButtMommy said...

I hope its not "we ate these birds for dinner".

Vickers said...

Those birds are too ugly to eat.

Unknown said...

You are quite right, those storks are too ugly to eat but they would sure make a lot of left-over meals. The second pic is of the guys cutting and preparing the chickens for the branch Christmas dinner and the first was taken at the MTC on our last day there.

FRYBABY said...

Better eaten than looked at, maybe?