Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Lesotho NRT

We spent ten days in Lesotho preparing for and then conducting the Neonatal Resuscitation Training course with the visiting medical specialist and his wife. It was so cold there that we all had to wear our jackets inside each day. One hundred and seventy midwives and doctors were trained over the four days and they were all excited to go back and train their colleagues throughout the country. So many of them work where they have no electricity or any medical equipment. Each hospital and clinic was given bags and masks and other equipment that they can use to save babies' lives. It was a great experience and tomorrow we will be going to Swaziland to do the same training.


Anonymous said...

Sorry if I commented your blog, but you have a nice idea.

KickButtMommy said...

What a wonderful thing to do! I love it.

Cara said...

Awesome work Nurse Kris.

FRYBABY said...

You are really going out with a bang!! Trying to get in as many things as you can, right? That is so awesome that you can help those people like you have......what will you do when you come home? Can't wait to see you!!!!! Today is Cade's last day on his mission....wow did that go fast!

Anonymous said...

Bless those sweet babies and the great hearts of those who want so badly to help them. Little did we know when you were my fuzzy headed baby sister that one day you would be travelling through Africa saving bodies and saving souls. You and Uncle Terror are angels on earth. See you next month.