Wednesday night we said 'good-bye' to our little seven year old friend from Zimbabwe. If you asked him his name he would answer, "My name is Rodwell, and I am a child of God". He and his mother were sponsored by the church to come to South Africa so he could have open heart surgery. When he arrived, he was very thin, didn't even have energy enough to smile and had infection in his lungs. All the couple missionaries had a special fast and many prayers were given to enable him to have the needed operation. His lungs cleared so the doctors operated. It was a touch and go situation for a few days when his heart stopped two different times. As you can see in the picture he now has energy to get up and dance for us!! It's a rare occasion when he doesn't have a smile on his face.
It must have been sad to see him go but also so joyful too! That he could leave healthy and happy!
I'm so glad to hear he is doing good! It really is amazing work you are doing there, acts of faith alone have made many changes.
Rodwell is an awesome name. Call him "Hot Rod" - he's got cool dance moves.
Reach out and touch someone...and you certainly have. Many someones. Congratulations to Rodwell and to his family.
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