inventory. It will be used for the mobilization of the measles campaign in September. The branch members will be making volunteer badges and using the megaphones to spread the word throughout the communities. The church will be working with the Red Cross, World Health and the Lesotho Ministry of Health to vaccinate 444,625 children under the age of five.After our visit to Lesotho, we headed for East London and met with a very dedicated gal named Lisa von Tonder who we'll work with in setting up rural gardens so orphans can learn to support themselves. She also directed us to the Spar shopping market where we can buy some American products. The owner is married to an American girl so she insists on having some of these items in stock. We met him there and he was so excited that we were asking for the special goods that he said he could take us around all day to show us all he had!! We were pleased to pick up some root- beer, poptarts, French's mustard, Kraft salad dressing, Honey-nut Cheerios, etc. Too bad the word got around to the other missionary couples about the root-beer....we are going to have to share now.Onward, we met with a few other organizations in Grahamstown that help the physically and mentally disabled people there. Perhaps, the church will be helping with crutches, sewing machines, and other requested items.The pictures that are included were taken at a soup kitchen out in one of the poor townships in Port Eliazbeth. It was set up to help feed the people over 60 whose pension funds get stolen by their grown children leaving them with nothing to live on. As you can see there are a lot of people under 60 in the pictures and they are not turned away. They had already eaten by the time we found our way there so they were just waiting for the blankets to be given out. We had 13 quilts and 30 blankets to give away and wished we had a hundred more.
I would love to go on a mission like this. You are helping so many people not only with spiritual needs but physical. You must go to sleep very tired but feeling very blessed! We are so proud of you.
I love reading your stories. I'm glad we have missionary blogs to keep us all connected!
I look through my home and wish that I could give a lot of my stuff to those who really need it. I hate to think that there are people going without all over the world...I am so glad that you are helping those people in need! Way to go, sis!
I still can't get over the fact that you two are not here but way on the other side of the earth, in Africa....Who knew?! Makes me wonder where you will end up next, b/c methinks this is only the first chapter.
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