Monday, January 28, 2008

Remember you are in Africa!!

Last Monday we had a truck scheduled to meet us at the warehouse to be loaded with supplies for the tornado victims in Lesotho. Ten o'clock was the agreed hour but although we were there, there was no truck and no workers. We called our contact person for the truck and were told the truck was just leaving we were to meet back at 2 pm. We called our contact for the workers and asked him to tell them to be there at 2 also. No problem... we'll just go back to the office and get some more work done until then. At 10:30 am we get a call, "Your workers are here...where do you want them to wait?" "Have them wait under the carport so they don't get wet...but if you could use them in the mail room, go ahead...we'll be there at 2 pm." So, back at the warehouse at 2 pm we are there but there is no truck. After about 10 minutes we call our contact guy. He promises to get back to us, "Just now." Oh no, we know what that means. An hour later, he is still trying to find out where the truck is. At 4:30 pm our contact guy tells us if we could stay until 6 pm he's sure the truck would be there. No way!!! We told him to have the driver and truck here at 9 am. OK, the driver says he'll sleep in the truck right by the warehouse and will be there in the morning.
Next we had to run get the conference room set up at the Area Office where we are going to show the DVD, The Work and the Glory 3, since it was our turn for FHE. All was going well, the popcorn was popped, the rootbeer was in the fridge, and the ice cream in the freezer. The couples were there in anticipation, had the prayer, a message from the conference report and the previews....then, immediately as 'PLAY' was pushed to start the movie, the electricity went off!!!
We ate the popcorn and the rootbeer floats and talked in the dark then gladly went home. What a day!!!
The next day we were at the warehouse on time, the three workers (RMs from the Congo) were there but NO TRUCK!! Elder R walked around the area knocking on any parked truck he could find to see if it was our truck...but to no avail. By 10:30 we cancelled the truck that wasn't there anyway and commissioned another truck company to help us. They were there within the hour and although the truck was half the size we needed at least it was a truck...They sent another truck and later reloaded both truckloads on a bigger truck at their headquarters. The truck went across the Lesotho border at 8:30 am the next morning. The storm victims will now get some relief.


Anonymous said...

Nothing is ever simple, is it.

Next time have everyone read the book...movies are so unsatisfactory in every way.

FRYBABY said...

Patience is a virtue! I really hurried this morning to get ready for school because with how hard the wind was blowing I was sure that I would not have electricity to dry and curl my hair......quickest hairdo I have ever done but the electricity only flickered and never went out. Better safe than sorry:) (Hint: Use the second truck company next time too!!) Have you ever tried PB popcorn?

KickButtMommy said...

Good thing they have you.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Ones,
So glad that Sioux got me connected so I could enjoy this spot! How thrilling to imagine the great BLESSINGS you are to Father's children there! Can I join your FAN CLUB? The Gospel is true...I send my LOVE! Candy Hight-Dobbs

Anonymous said...

Candy, you are welcome anytime. hope you are well. K & T

jmr said...

auh sounds like your typical work day there huh? you guys are so patient. At least there was popcorn involved in the day.

Sarah said...

I'm so glad you are doing well! Looks like quite the adventure! I saw your darling daughter last weekend and she looks beautiful as always! I'm so glad she was with me in the Temple! Wish you guys could have been there too :) but I'm glad you're enjoying your time in Africa.