Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Getting out

Tuesday evening we went to the Organic Market
with Elder and Sister J and Elder and Sister K.
We checked out the wares at each open booth, ate a meal and enjoyed good conversation while a live band played, "West Virginia, Country Roads".
Elder J is our Public Affairs person for all of the Africa Southeast Area. When he was inviting numerous leaders of other churches to a big media event in October, one person asked if our church was the "one with all the spies". Elder J said, "No we don't have any spies in our church". The person then said, "I said Spires son, not spies!" (Add a little southern accent.) He was referring to the spires on the temple by the area office. We all had a good laugh about that.
However, in this picture of Elder J people might think that there are spies in the church!!


Anonymous said...

Sushicat, what did I do wrong??? Can't get rid of the huge space between posts. Mom

Cara said...

You are like the Men in Black. Instead of Elder J, he could be Agent J.

The market sounds like fun, and delicious.

KickButtMommy said...

Love that, spies, spires.

Anonymous said...

I don't know...'spies' might be more correct. You are certainly learning a lot about that continent and Sushicat took a lot of strange, unexplicable pictures. Hmmmm, maybe we will have to rethink your Mission Elder Bonds.

FRYBABY said...

Wow! It has been a while since I have checked your blog....and anyone else's for that matter. I love hearing foreign stories from all over the world especially the ones where people are being helped!! Great job Elder and Sister!!

jmr said...

the posts look fine, no big gaps here. You guys are so cool. I've got to get used to checking in here since normally there wouldn't be anything new here unless I had something to do with it is surprises me to come here to find pictures and funny stories! love you.